Hunker from Your Bunker Menus

We actually hate that we had to put these together. If it was up to us, you’d all be at FnG Eats having a drink or celebrating birthdays, Fridays, graduations, and more. But we’re the kinda people that like to make lemonade from lemons (with an option shot of Jack, of course), so we’ve put together these menu options in hopes to make things easier for you at home.

All you have to do is give us a call to make your order and come pick yours up curbside at FnG Eats (on the side) – you’ll see the sign!

Brunch Menu

DIY Deconstructed Cocktail Kits

Take and Bake

In the case of our special Take and Bake options (built for families with 12 ounce portions, we ask for 48 hours notice so we can make it perfect just for you!

Brown Bag Specials

FnG Eats Dinner for Two

FnG Eats Regular Menu

Check out our regular menu (but understand that we may not have items so call and check and some things don’t carry well.


Are you looking for a delivery option? We’ve partnered with UberEats to get your FnG Eats from our door to your house and now is free delivery.